Directions for Easy Soft Shades using Roller Shade Kits
Width up to 48” wide, length 9 feet or less and fabric weight up to 8 lbs.
Materials Needed to make your shade.
Your Decorative Fabric- Purchase fabric at least 2 inches wider and 9 inches longer than finished shade.
Iron-On Lining, Shade Fabric, 54” Wide. Purchase same amount as your Decorative Fabric (item number 040044)
Roller Shade Clutch Kit (item number 210231)
Optional Decorative Trim—Gimp or Fringe
Tools required for assembly.
Steam Iron
Rotary Cutter
Rotary Cutting Pad and ruler
Tools to install fittings to window
Instructions for using the kit.
Set up Roller Shade Kit as directed in instructions included with Kit. Cut your decorative fabric pieces two inches wider and at least 9 inches longer than finished shade. Cut the Iron- On Lining shade Fabric 1 inch narrower than decorative fabric. Place the shiny side of lining shade fabric (bonding side) to the wrong side of your decorative fabric and using a steam iron, working from center out, bond fabric to fabric being sure edges of fabric are bonded good and that there are no bubbles. (see photo A). Square off and mark the finished width and length of your fabric as indicated in the Roller Kit instructions. Using a Rotary Cutter or scissor, cut a clean edge along your marked line (see photos B and C). Finish the lower edge as desired. Straight with a pocket, for use with wooden piece included with the kit. You could scallop the bottom or finish with any decorative trim, you want! Remove double stick tape from the tube, in the kit. Lay upper edge of fabric along this line and stick in place (see photo D). Follow directions for installing shade fittings onto bar (see photo E and F) and installing window mounting brackets given with shade kit to your window frame. Place shade in window fitting. Your shade is finished!
